Who are the PRAGMA investors?

Who are the PRAGMA investors?

Within the scope of this project, the production declared as the basis of the “EIA Not Required” decision dated 21.08.2007 will be increased to 2,000,000 tons in total. To be held in EIA polygon no.1
productions together with the productions in the area for which the EIA is not Required decision in 2007
will be continued. The total amount of production to be made is 2,000,000 tons per year.

  • If the amount of production is increasing before it even started, I wondered, who are the investors here?

Muratdere Madencilik is a subsidiary of Pragma Kurumsal Finansman A.Ş., headquartered in Istanbul. (On your website) it is called 100% national and local.

  • Yes, of PRAGMA firm located in Muratdere mining TC. So who are the PRAGMA investors?

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