What is environmental pollution? What are the types of environmental pollution?

There are numerous factories around the world that deliver millions of tons of toxic chemicals, fuel gases, sewage and wastewater to air, soil and water. This hazardous waste of any kind (such as solid, liquid or gas) causes ozone depletion, global warming, soil loss, and health problems for humans and other organisms. Environmental pollution is the definition of waste in the natural environment and causes negative changes. This is mostly due to human action and natural disasters. Various concentrations of impurities anywhere in the environment are:

Water coming from cities is called sewage water, and those coming from industry are called waste water. Natural river water contains 8 mg / L dissolved O2. This amount of dissolved O2 is known as the quality of water. Sewage water and wastewater contain 90-95 percent organic matter, and when it spreads to rivers, the oxygen concentration in the river decreases due to oxygen consumption, which severely affects aquatic life.

Major water pollutants and sources are:

Oxygen-requiring substances
Pathogenic organisms
Toxic metals


In the air; The presence of one or more wastes that are dangerous to humans, plants, animals and nature is called air pollution.

Major air pollution causes:

Natural reasons
Man-made causes

Persistent resources

Waste polluting the atmosphere is known as air waste and is classified as follows:

Inorganic gas waste
Organic gas waste
Cigarette smoke
Dirty gases

Global Effects of Air Pollution

Some of the global impacts of air pollution are:

Greenhouse effect
Ozone depletion
Acid rain
Photochemical smoke
Meteorological effects


Of course, the subject has been handled more widely. Congratulations to Evrensel newspaper FOR THEY ARE SENSITIVE TO ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ..


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