Thousands of trees dried up because they were not irrigated in the millions of lira project.

Thousands of trees planted around Erzurum City Hospital and 10 thousand square meters of grass cover laid on the earth ground dried up because it could not be watered. IYI Party Erzurum Deputy Naci Cinisli commented on the neglect and extravagance, “When the snow melts, the truth comes to the surface, the hat is falling, the head is visible.”

Updated: 11:36, 09/06/2021

Thousands of trees dried up because they were not irrigated in the millions of lira project.
The scandals do not end at Erzurum City Hospital, which Recep Akdağ, the former Minister of Health and Erzurum Deputy from AKP, called “My Prestige Project”. When thousands of trees planted around the hospital, which was put into service casually, began to dry up, an irrigation system tender was hastily made. One year after it was put into service, Erzurum City Hospital, which was awarded the “Landscape Maintenance, Repair and Infrastructure” tender, was built as “Turkey’s most comprehensive hospital” in 4 blocks on an area of ​​419 thousand square meters.


The hospital, the cost of which cannot be calculated and unknown since it was put into service; With a bed capacity of 1,570, 39 operating rooms, 44 dialysis beds, 272 intensive care beds, 36 imaging rooms and 310 outpatient clinics, it has become one of the largest hospitals in Turkey and the Middle East. The City Hospital, which draws attention with its moon-shaped architecture, was put into service hastily despite its shortcomings, taking into account the epidemic process experienced in May of last year. The hospital, which will receive the International Green Building Certificate (LEED), was built in an environmentally friendly manner.


Mehmet Demircioğlu, Coordinator of Erzurum City Hospital, Provincial Health Director Dr. Gursel Bedir, while showing the journalists the “City Hospital” under construction, said that the terrace of the hospital will symbolize the Red Crescent at night and the Turkish flag during the day:

“Our hospital will receive a green building certificate with LEED Gold status in the LEED certificate, which is the International Green Building Certificate. Our hospital is an environmentally conscious hospital, it is earthquake resistant with 2,000 seismic isolators and has standards that can even be operated in the event of an earthquake, it has standards that can collect rain water on the terraces especially on the crescent terrace when it rains and use it as irrigation water in the gardens, it has solar panels that will generate its own electrical energy, and It has earned the right to receive LEED Gold certification due to its various high-tech features like this.”


Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality undertook the construction of the roads of the hospital and the important part of the landscaping works to catch the opening. On the one hand, the municipality, trying to eliminate the problems and disruptions in transportation, on the other hand, contributed to the landscaping and landscaping works. Thousands of trees were planted around the hospital, and ready-made grass was laid on the ground over 10 thousand square meters.


The hospital was put into service, but the ‘environmental maintenance, repair and infrastructure tender’ was not made by the relevant institutions within a year. This neglect….

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