The expert report was announced in the case filed for Cengiz’s mine: Those who resist are right!

The expert report in the lawsuit filed against Cengiz’s mine in İkizdere has been completed. In the report prepared by 7 experts, it was stated that the project would harm the ecosystem, beekeeping and tea production. The experts dismissed the statement of AKP Deputy Chairman Hayati Yazıcı, “This is the most appropriate place, where else can we get it”. Experts stated that adequate investigations were not made on the alternative site.

The expert report was announced in the case filed for Cengiz’s mine: Those who resist are right!


In the lawsuit filed against the decision that the environmental impact assessment (EIA) is not required for the quarry to be operated by Cengiz İnşaat, which is requested to be opened by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in Rize İkizdere, the experts completed their report. In the report prepared by 7 experts who are experts in their fields, it was decided that the EIA is not required decision is not technically sufficient and appropriate.

The resistance of the people of the region against the Walnut Basalt Quarry, which is planned to be opened in İkizdere to supply raw materials to Rize-Artvin Airport, has been going on for 178 days. Finally, the lawsuit filed by the experts once again proved the rightfulness of the citizens, who stated that the Project would harm the ecosystem, agriculture and animal husbandry of the region.

In line with the decision of the Rize Administrative Court, the experts who examined the regions prepared their report last month. In the report, it was pointed out that the project introduction file (PTD) submitted by the company was incomplete and insufficient, and that the mine would harm the ecosystem of the region. The experts, who stated that there is incomplete information about the forest assets in the region in the PTD, emphasized that there are more than 20 leafy trees such as Turkish pine, which is not included in the file, and that the destruction that will occur is unacceptable for the local people in terms of their habitats. After the activity, it was stated that there was not enough information about the afforestation process of the region.


The experts stated that the slope of the land carries the risk of erosion and the removal of vegetation increases the risk. The experts, who made investigations in the region last month, drew attention to the fact that there are already shifts in the region. It was also stated in the report that there was no study in the PTD on the landslide risk and how to prevent it.


It was stated in the PTD that information on ground and surface waters was lacking in scientific and technical terms. The experts stated in their report that the rainfall in the region feeds the lower tributaries of İkizdere: “It is clear that the natural appearance of the project will deteriorate and the water holding capacity of the ground will change as a result of the top vegetal soil and excavations, and the balance of precipitation-flow-seepage will be disturbed.”

Efficiency will drop

Experts stated that the project will cause great damage to beekeeping and tea production in the region. …

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