The country’s only sodium source shrank 4 times in 50 years

As a result of not taking adequate precautions despite the warnings of scientists for many years, the destructive effects of the climate crisis have become more visible today. One of the effects of the climate crisis is drought. On May 15, World Climate Day, eyes turned to Acıgöl, which ranks second in the world with its clean and natural sodium potential.

In Turkey, 98 percent of sodium sulphate is obtained from natural resources, 90 percent of this amount is obtained from Acıgöl, located in the borders of Denizli, Afyonkarahisar and Burdur. Being a closed basin, Acıgöl creates a habitat for nearly 200 bird species as well as endemic plants and animal species. Acıgöl, which has shrunk four times since the 1970s, is dying with drought and unconscious water consumption.

Turkish Nature Conservation Association (TTKD) Science Advisor Dr. Erol Cutter,ıldı-344861

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