Objections to the zoning plans of Kanal Istanbul are filed.

Either Kanal or Istanbul Coordination came together to present the petitions of objection to the zoning plans, which were re-approved and suspended by the Ministry of Environment.
Either the Kanal or Istanbul Coordination was making their petitions of objection to the zoning plans

Either Kanal or Istanbul Coordination petitions to appeal the zoning plans | Photo: Meltem Akyol / Evrensel

Either Kanal or Istanbul Coordination objected to the re-suspended zoning plans of the Kanal Istanbul Project, saying “There is no place for peasants, poor people, workers and public in Yenişehir”.

City defenders, who came together in front of the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization in Istanbul Ataşehir with the call of Channel or Istanbul Coordination, petition for the cancellation of 1 / 100,000, 1 / 5,000 and 1 / 1,000 scaled zoning plans approved and suspended by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization gave.

An explanation was made prior to the submission of the petitions. Sharing the joint statement prepared, Kemal Doksanyedi and Göksen Ezeltürk said, “Today, we object to not only the changes made in the zoning plans, but to all the plans that prepare the infrastructure of this massacre project that disregards the public interest and nature!” said.

Press release of Either Kanal Ya Istanbul Coordination

Press release of Ya Kanal Ya Istanbul Coordination | Photo: Meltem Akyol / Evrensel

The following statements were used in the statement:

“It is not a transportation project. We know that instead of improving the living conditions of the people living in the region, you give zoning permits to open the villages to the capital, which is a construction project, an income project.

Objections continue until April 24.


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