No to Ecological and Sociological Destruction Projects!

We will not remain a spectator to the transfer of our forests, agricultural lands, pastures, pastures and pastures, water resources, basins, biodiversity to companies and the ruthlessness of capital. We will increase our struggle against those who allow this.

We; We are determined not to pollute our nature. Because we know that; if nature gets sick, humanity dies.
We; We are against the destruction of our natural and cultural assets and our sacred values ​​for the sake of rent.

We; We are against destruction projects that will cause ecological destruction on the land we live in or where we were born.

We; As citizens, we are against usurping our right to speak in decision-making processes regarding the localities we live in.
We; As citizens who want a livable environment, clean air, clean water and clean soil for our country; We will never give up our longing for a world in favor of life and nature.

We; We will be in solidarity with all other ecology organizations.

Malatya Environment Platform

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