Kedistan • Interview with Les Amis Kazdağları

Sadık Çelik • Interview with Les Amis Kazdağları

Posted by Sadik Celik | August 19, 2019 | News, Chronicles of Sadik Celik, ECOLOGY, Turkish, ZAD Turkey
Sadık Çelik • Interview with the Kazdağları brotherhood

Two years ago, during a canoe trip from Bordeaux in France to the World Water Council in Marseille, I made the following wish for today: “The freedom of water, of the forest, animals, humans, the earth will come together!
Turkish | French | English

I believe it with all my heart; Despite all the negativity, the left heirs of the past that tripped us up in our pursuit of another world, there is a way out. With their new dynamics, style and creativity, members of the younger generation, and sincere adults who listen and understand them with kindness, will stand out for their ability to understand and defend life together.

Being motivated today for this difficult but final process on our tired and seriously injured planet will bring our new life reflexes, envisioned by our sensibilities, to the true beauties of the earth. As long as we do not submit to the conditions imposed by the bandits hostile to the land. There is still something that each, each individual, each group can do for the well-being of the earth, everywhere and in all conditions … In Munzur, Hasankeyf, Alakır, the Black Sea, the Kaz mountains, the Amazons, Honduras, Dakota, India A growing survival line against bandits is forming in Bolivia, Bolivia and more. In the near future, water democracies will form with the brotherhood of water and the struggle of all these lands. Here in this cycle of life I send again my greetings of love, friendship and solidarity of my rightful path …

And finally, I realize that I was not wrong with the Ida Mountains Resistance Watch, which started in Kazdağları and has become a source of morale for all geographies. I share my talk with the Kazdağları Brotherhood with you, my friends in life, in order to bring the excitement of the days of resistance in Kazdağları to other countries, hoping that the massive de facto resistance against the bandits who eat away at the land will pave the way for global resistance and solidarity in the near future.

Ida Mountains Brotherhood
Twitter @KazdaglarK
Facebook @kazdaglarikardesligi

Signature campaign:
“According to the satellites in Kirazlı; 4 times more (195,000 *) trees were felled. Stop the matter!

Kazdaglari Alamos Gold

• Let’s start with the Kazdaglari Brotherhood. Why, where and how was he born and what kind of work has he done so far?

Brotherhood Kazdaglari to the ecosystem and the natural cycle.

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