Excuse for unsuccessful school is the Scarf !!!

Speaking to the Planning and Budget Commission of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer attributed the failure of education to the headscarf ban. The request for an increase in the budget of the Ministry of National Education was rejected by supporters of the AKP and MHP.

The hijab as an excuse for an unsuccessful education


The budget of the Ministry of National Education of TL 274.3 billion, which reached its lowest level in 2022 in 2018, with a rate of 10.79% in the central government budget, was accepted by the Commission of the plan and budget of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey the previous day. While the Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer did not answer most of the questions of the deputies, he attributed the failure of 20 years in education to the problems of headscarf and coefficient.


“The coefficient has been applied for 10 years. What happened? Students who are successful in vocational high schools and imam hatip high schools have withdrawn, “zer said, adding:

“The student did not go to a place without access to higher education. The employer started talking, “I can’t find the employee I’m looking for”, right? Important agreements have been signed with employers, and at this stage, vocational education and imam hatip high schools have been recovered. It would be unfair to speak of the education system as if the coefficient had never been tested and the bans on the wearing of the veil had never been implemented. Pointing out that there are 850,000 classrooms, Özer said: “The number of students in 56% of these classes is less than 25. In other words, the students in our class 476,850 have less than 25%. 25 years. 18% between 26-30, 16% between 31-35. Of course, who would like to have a large number of students in a class. Nobody wants it, ”he said.

On the other hand, as part of the TCA 2020 audit report, an investigation was opened against the authorities regarding the tenders for the accelerated education program stationery sets and cleaning materials for the centers. education programs held by the Directorate-General for Lifelong Learning.

In a press release from the ministry, …


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