Company of 26 million, privatized at 9 million

It has been revealed that the value of the BEL-YA company, which Melih Gökçek privatized for 9 million in 2012, is 26.7 million lire. It turned out that after privatization millions of lire were transferred to the company from the municipal budget.

26 million companies privatized to 9 million


Corruption investigations against former Ankara Metropolitan Municipality (ABB) Mayor Melih Gökçek are endless. It turned out that the same name is in the management of the two companies that participated in the tender of BEL-YA A.Ş, which was privatized well below the value of Gökçek. Moreover, after this privatization on October 15, 2012, it was determined that millions of lire had been transferred from the municipal budget to the company.

It was learned that a criminal complaint was to be filed against Melih Gökçek and the members of the municipal council at the time, as well as the bureaucrats who played an active role in the privatization process.


During the period of Melih Gökçek, who resigned as mayor of the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, which he held for a total of 23 years, news was added to the practices allegedly carried out illegally. What happened during the privatization process of BEL-YA A.Ş, a municipal subsidiary privatized in 2012, revealed the extent of the irregularity. On July 13, 2012, ABB’s municipal council decided to privatize the companies in which EGO and ASKİ are partners. As part of the decision, a tender commission was established within BELKO LTD ŞTİ, which is the main partner of BEL-YA A.Ş. The tender, which was decided to be negotiated with the bulk sales method and proceeded without any announcement, was left to Mobil Cleaning Inc., which submitted an offer of 9 million 18,000 TL. It was also understood that the company which won the tender for privatization of the company which carries out the dissemination, distribution and publicity works of the municipality does not have any direct advertising-related activities.

Prior to privatization, an independent audit firm, “BELYA A.Ş. Appraisal Report” was prepared. The expert appointed by the Inspection Board, which reviewed the report, said the report of rating contained many technical flaws and errors, and that it is full of numbers that “are not clear on the data on which it is based.” In the report, it was noted that BELYA A.Ş was rated at 10, TL 7 million and TL 8.8 million using two different methods. It was reported that the tender for privatization was launched on the basis of this “baseless and technically inadequate” report. report, which was prepared according to the methods indicated in the regulations in accordance with the market values ​​and existing documents of the company, it was revealed that the actual value of BELYA A.Ş, which was sold for 9 million TL, was around TL 26.7 million.


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