Channel Istanbul’s controversial expert

H.A. Withdrawn saying ‘I was threatened’: The pressure is deciphered
A member of the controversial expert committee of Kanal Istanbul has withdrawn. In the petition he sent to the Istanbul 10th Administrative Court, H.A. asked for his “amnesty” and said, “I received explicit and implicit threats.”
H.A. Withdrawn saying ‘I was threatened’: The pressure is deciphered


The government, which ignored the warnings of the SCIENCE people that “it would cause disaster”, continued to insist on Kanal Istanbul, while an academic from Yıldız Technical University (YTÜ), who was appointed ex officio to the expert committee formed for the mega project, said that he was “threatened” and withdrew from his duty. H.A., who was ex officio appointed to the panel of experts on December 16, 2020, sent a petition to the Istanbul 10th Administrative Court on January 22 and requested the cancellation of his assignment.

HA. In his petition, he stated that a private company and a person from the Istanbul Highways Regional Directorate contacted him in 2013 and they wanted to have a report prepared for Kanal Istanbul. H.A. included the following statements in his petition: “My first relationship with the Kanal Istanbul project was in April-May 2013. At that time, when I was the Dean of the Faculty of Construction at YTU, a private company official contacted me with a person from the Istanbul Regional Directorate of Highways and explained the Kanal Istanbul project and stated that they wanted to get technical reports from four universities, two of which were foundation universities, together with ITU. It was also informed that the project is confidential and will not be shared with the public until a route is determined. I also stated that this work can be done within the scope of the Revolving Fund Management, and the application was made to the faculty through a private firm due to confidentiality. What was requested from us was the determination of the route that will have the least hydrological and environmental impacts of the four routes roughly and approximately determined by the Regional Directorate of Highways according to the topography. I prepared the report with my Vice Dean from the Environmental Engineering Department and sent it to the requesters. “


The report they prepared was “not liked”, they were asked to report again ….

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