AKP’s unending insistence on plunder

The law on the environment, which the AKP had to take a step back three times due to the reactions, is coming back to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey by changing its name. Activities can be carried out in conservation areas for different reasons.

Nurcan Gokdemir

While the country is shaken by the mucilage that spreads rapidly to the seas, as well as the environmental massacres happening all around, the AKP does not back down from its anti-environmental policies. The regulation titled Nature and Biological Diversity Conservation, which was not enacted due to the reactions even though it was submitted to the Parliament three times, is brought back to the agenda by removing the word “Nature”. According to the Draft Biological Diversity Conservation Law, which was prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and opened for discussion, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will be able to allow activities in species or habitat protection areas on the grounds of “necessity in terms of national security, natural disaster and general health”.

The AKP presented this regulation to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for the first time on 25 November 2010, during Erdoğan’s prime ministership. The bill, which drew a great reaction and could not be enacted until the election decision, was once again brought to the Parliament with the signature of Erdogan as the “Prime Minister” on May 17, 2012. The regulation, which drew criticism on the grounds that it would lead to environmental plunder throughout the country, and that the destruction of the environment was aimed, not protection, could not be enacted again. This time, on May 15, 2017, then Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım sent the bill to the Parliament, but still no results.

The regulation, which has been on the shelf for 5 years, is on the agenda again. The new text, consisting of 22 articles, was opened to the opinion of the relevant institutions as the Biological Diversity Conservation Law Proposal by removing the word “nature” from its first name, and opinions were received until the end of March. It was learned that the government, which put the brakes on, albeit for a short time, due to the threat of mucilage in the seas, aims to pass the proposal before the end of the legislative year.


In the general rationale of the draft proposal, it was stated that there is no clear provision in the existing laws that can form a basis for secondary regulations on the identification and monitoring of biological diversity components, protection of species, habitats and genetic resources, access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, sharing of information and data on biological diversity, and combating biosmuggling. . It was reported that the regulation was prepared in order to provide legal clarity to them and to provide sanction power in practice. It was pointed out that this is necessary in terms of compliance with the EU acquis, as well as fulfilling the commitments arising from many international conventions, especially the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.


In the draft, as in the previous plundering arrangements for the President.. CONTINUE


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