accelerate the fight against climate change

2021, a crucial year to accelerate the fight against climate change

The next few months should make it possible to accelerate the efforts of States to a climax: COP26, to be held in Glasgow in early November, after being postponed for a year.

By Audrey Garric Posted on January 05, 2021 at 5:42 am – Updated January 05, 2021 at 6:23 am

 Steam escapes from the coal plant in Niederaussem, Germany on March 3, 2016.
Steam is released from the coal plant in Niederaussem, Germany, March 3, 2016. WOLFGANG RATTAY / REUTERS

The year 2020 was presented as a turning point for climate action. Five years after the Paris climate agreement, states collectively had to go faster and further in the battle against global warming. The Covid-19 pandemic decided otherwise. As 2021 offers a catch-up session, expectations and hopes are even greater.

The coming months will be crucial to accelerate the efforts of States to a climax: the 26 th World Climate Conference (COP26), to be held in Glasgow (Scotland ) in November 2021, after being postponed for one year. This event, which promises to be the most important since 2015, should show that a tipping point has been crossed in the action. There is an emergency: climate change continues to worsen, and 2020 is expected to rank in the top three hottest years on record .

“Hope with caution “

“2021 will be a year of truth for the climate” , declares to World Laurent Fabius, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of COP21, who had sealed the Paris agreement. Unlike last year, a lot of lights are green. “The horizons and obligations are for the first time clear: States must set a long-term course, carbon neutrality in 2050, but also increase their efforts in the medium term, in 2030, and in the short term, in their stimulus plans ”

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