They sold Artvin’s green and blue to miners

They sold Artvin’s green and blue to miners

According to the report prepared by the TEMA Foundation, 71 percent of Artvin has a mining license. Assoc. Dr. Kurdoğlu said, “There will be neither a forest, an agricultural land, nor a clear flowing water in Artvin,” while the President of the Green Artvin Association, Karahan, said, “This is the picture of what a future awaits Artvin.”

TEMA Foundation, which prepared a report on Artvin, which is under the siege of hydroelectric power plants and mines, revealed the destruction of nature. Artvin, which is one of the most important natural and cultural areas of the country with its rich diversity of species, climate, natural beauties, thousands of years of history and streams, has a mines license.

TEMA Foundation, which shared the reports on Kazdağları and Muğla in the past months, also shared its work on Artvin with the public. According to the report prepared by the TEMA Foundation, Artvin is divided into 521 parts. In the statement made by TEMA, it was stated that “natural life in Artvin, pastures, human health and an ancient culture are in danger of extinction with mining activities”.


Evaluating the data announced by TEMA, Assoc. Dr. Oğuz Kurdoğlu pointed out that all Artvin was given to miners except for the city and village centers. Using the terms “Nature and Culture” museum for Artvin, Assoc. Dr. Kurdoğlu said, “There are 2 thousand 734 plant species in Artvin. There is only 215 of the 380 butterfly species in Turkey Yusufeli Altıparmak Basin. “This ecosystem must be protected and used by planning.”


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