They will massacre nature for the sake of mines!

It was the wish of the companies that could not make mining due to olive trees. The government allowed olive trees to be cut down for mining. Thousands of olive trees, especially in Muğla, Manisa, Balıkesir, Aydın and many districts of İzmir, are in danger due to mining activities.

They will massacre nature for the sake of mines!

Huseyin Simsek

With the amendment made by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in the Mining Regulation, olive groves were opened to mining activities. According to the amendment, if the mine site remains within the olive grove, olive trees will be cut to continue mining activities in the field. The opposition, stating that the regulation is against the Constitution and the law, demanded the annulment of the regulation.

An important regulation change was made regarding the mining activities carried out on the grounds of “meeting the electricity needs of the country”. If the mining site coincides with the areas registered as olive groves in the land registry, the Ministry will allow the olive trees to be cut, provided that the person who will carry out the mining activities undertakes to restore the site at the end of the activities. Temporary facilities can be built on the site. If an olive tree cannot be planted in the mining area after the work is completed, it will be planted in another area.


CHP Deputy Chairman for Nature Rights Ali Öztunç reacted to the new regulation. CHP Deputy Chairman Öztunç said, “This is officially a private regulation,” and said, “The law clearly prohibits you from doing energy or mining activities in olive groves.” The public officials who regulated this regulation clearly applied unlawful orders. I openly warn the public officials who will say ‘I will implement the regulation’, do not think about such a thing. You are guilty of violating the order of the law. We will file a criminal complaint against the public official who gave permission by citing this regulation for acting against the law.”


Yatağan district of Muğla, Yırca district of Soma district of Manisa, Havran district of Balıkesir, Efeler and Çine districts of Aydın, Kınık district of İzmir, olive trees are in danger due to mining activities.

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