ANAGOLD Seems to ignore the local population,

here is supposedly the policy of one of the partners
Safe for life

We attach great importance to the safety and health of our employees, their families and all those affected by our business activities. We recognize that there are risks associated with our business and, through proactive risk management, continuously minimize and control these risks.

SSR Mining’s safety vision is “safe for life”. Our safety program emphasizes balancing the human and technical aspects of safety: blending leadership behaviors with traditional management activities to create a safe production culture. Positive reinforcement and open, honest communication build trust. We ensure that our workers understand their individual contributions to safe production. In this positive environment, they maintain safety awareness, recognize hazards and analyze risks in their daily activities. Each employee has established commitments related to their personal and professional behavior in terms of safety and health. Each employee is empowered to take the necessary measures to minimize risks. The technical aspects of security are addressed by identifying critical tasks, establishing policies and procedures, and providing appropriate training. Performance measurement and accountability provide feedback and maintain focus on continuous improvement.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve “safe for life” and provide safe production every day

Here is the second shareholder ANAGOLD

Lidya Madencilik San. see Tic. Inc. and its subsidiaries were created for mining exploration and exploitation; It is one of the leading mining companies in Turkey, which has adopted sustainable mining in accordance with national and international standards at every stage of the mining projects it plans to carry out.

Being aware of our social responsibility; While improving our performance by investing in people, knowledge and technology through our environmentally responsible approach and understanding, we aim to achieve the objectives we have set ourselves under this policy, which we will review at appropriate intervals to perform necessary updates. after changing the conditions.

All of our employees are committed to sustainable environmental management, are responsible and lead by their behavior.

All Lidya Madencilik San. see Tic. Inc. and its subsidiaries, while carrying out mining activities, in order to achieve our environmental objectives;

Establish and implement an environmental management system that identifies, assesses and manages its environmental dimensions and effects taking into account the life cycle approach,
Continuously monitor and revise this system in order to increase environmental performance and continuously improve it,
To comply with relevant legal regulations, national and international standards and other conditions relating to environmental issues,
Mustafa AKSOY
General manager

We make the publications of the risks and facts of pollution of the company ANAGOLD.

We wrote by email, but no response from them. If ANAGOLD, and these two shareholders will take a step and would like to answer us. In view of the documents received from the local population, it seems that the POLICIES SHOWN by the companies are DIFFERENTLY APPLIED LOCALLY.

I would like here to remind you that we are a group of Patriotic engineers who love their country TURKEY.

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