Ankara Bar Case: In the prosecution’s indictment, a sentence from the khutbah that sparked a reaction was deleted!

It was revealed that the prosecutor’s office did not include a phrase from the “sermon on homosexuality” in the indictment in the case brought against the Ankara Bar executives on the presidency’s complaint. religious affairs.
Ankara Bar Case: In the prosecution’s indictment, a sentence from the khutbah that sparked a reaction was deleted!

The lawsuit against former members of the Ankara Bar Board, including Erinç Sağkan, President of the Union of Turkish Bars, continued today. The prosecutor’s office; It turned out that the President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, did not quote the expressions “bring diseases with them and corrupt the generation” in his sermon on “sexual orientation” in the indictment. .

President of Religious Affairs, Erbaş, April 24, 2020; His sermon on “sexual orientation” has been the subject of criticism. The Ankara Bar Association issued a written statement criticizing the sermon. After this statement, Ali Erbaş lodged a criminal complaint against the management of the bar.

The indictment prepared concerning the administration of the bar at the time was accepted by the 16th Ankara High Criminal Court. The second hearing in the case against the former bar administration took place today.

Erinç Sağkan, President of the Ankara Bar at the time, President of the Union of Turkish Bars, at the hearing; He raised the issue of not transferring part of the sermon to the indictment.


The sermon, in which the phrase “bring disease and corrupt the generation” was delivered, was quoted in the indictment as follows:

“O people, Islam considers adultery to be one of the greatest harams. He condemns lutenism, homosexuality. What is the reason, hundreds of thousands of people are exposed to the HIV virus every year, which is caused by this great haram, whose name in Islamic literature is adultery. Let us fight together to protect people from such evil … “

The relevant part of the sermon, which can be found on the website of the Presidency of Religious Affairs and read at that time, is as follows:

“O people! Islam considers adultery to be one of the greatest harams. He condemns Lutism, Homosexuality. What’s the point ? Bring diseases and refute the generation. …

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